Relationships at Christmas: Family
Meet the real-life stars behind our Christmas campaign #LoveEscentual. Team Member, Richard’s relationship with his parents is hard to beat; the kindness and positivity they’ve shared over lockdown inspired us to create the Thoughtful Gifts guide, as they deserve an extra special pamper this year. Read more about why they’re extra special, and the changes they’ve made to make 2020 better for Rich and his family…
About Richard
Richard: I’m Richard Jenkins, the Merchandiser Manager here at Escentual.
How has this year been different for you?
Richard: It’s been a very strange year. My daughter turned one and not having the big family party we were originally planning was hard. Like everyone else not seeing family and friends that much made it a very weird year. Adjusting to working from home has had its positives and negatives but I’ve tried pushing forward as best as I can.
Richard on Christmas
What Christmas traditions do you have, and how will you be switching them up this year?
Richard: Our Christmas traditions have morphed over the last couple of years as we have started hosting Christmas in our house. My parents and brother attend with his partner and we come together to cook our Christmas dinner, each doing a section. My potatoes and parsnips are legendary (Thanks Delia!), and I only cook them for Christmas but they are amazing. Depending on the rules here in Wales, we are hoping to keep this the same as usual but we will see what happens. It’s going to be really fun to see my daughter run around and what she will make of the tree and decorations. I’m sure she will have her say on when to open presents.
Richard on his Parents
Richard: Meet my mother, Hazel and my father, Roderick.
Tell us about your relationship with them
Richard: Best parents anyone could ask for. Have always been there to support me and my brother, always at the end of the line when I need help or advice with DIY or my car.
Mam’s baking is fantastic, her cakes are the highlight of any party or occasion.
Having them evolve from being my parents to grandparents have been amazing and fills me with pride. All of my parent’s brothers and sisters had grandchildren years ago, so, it’s been wonderful to see them be able to play with the grandchild they have been waiting patiently for.
What have they done this year that has made you smile?
Richard: In-between lockdown one and two, my parents moved in with me and my wife, due to my wife going back to work to provide childcare. When lockdown one took place they went form seeing my daughter once a week to pictures and videos like everyone else. My daughter is too young didn’t understand it was her nanny and bampy on a video call so was not interested.
When they used to visit she was often shy at first but always warmed up, now with living together the relationships they have built with her will be something I’m really happy to see develop first hand. Her smile and laughter as she plays with them. Watching her discovering new words and songs (Baby Shark being her current fave) with nanny and bamp always makes me smile.
What’s the happiest memory you have with them?
Richard: Happiest will always be going to the seaside. My love of beaches and the seaside has come from those family vacations and day trips to see the sea. Something we continue doing together to this day.
How do they make your Christmas extra special?
Richard: Family time. Christmas for us was and always has been about spending time with the family and although it has evolved over the years as the wide family have grown, they are always there Christmas. The house always smells like a cookbook come to life with music playing. It’s always lovely coming together for.
What would you like them to know?
Richard: That I’m really grateful for everything they have done over the years. Them moving in with us this year has really turned a hard year into something I will cherish going forward. It’s been amazing watching them play and interact with my daughter and I’m so very proud of them.
Feeling inspired to treat someone you love? Discover the hand-picked products we’ve chosen in our Thoughtful Gifts guide for more inspiration. #LoveEscentual, or check out our other gift guides.