Probiotic Skincare: Bacteria You Want On Your Face

Probiotic Skincare - Bacteria You Want On Your Face

I don’t know about you, but when I think bacteria only negative interpretations come to mind. So it goes without saying that slathering bacteria all over my face wouldn’t be at the top of my list, but that’s exactly what people are doing!

When you think probiotics, you may recall a specific yoghurt drink. And that’s exactly what it is, but instead of digestible it’s now being used topically. The burning question is… why? And that’s exactly what I plan to find out!

To celebrate the launch of Vichy Slow Age, a new powerful probiotic skincare range, I am shining a light on probiotic skincare. Let’s get to grips with this new skincare trend…

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that have specific health benefits. Usually referred to as ‘good bacteria’, probiotics are naturally found in foods such as yoghurt and have been celebrated for years. There are many different types of probiotics, and each has a different characteristic. However, probiotics are most commonly ingested through food to help reduce inflammation in the gut.

The use of probiotics in skincare is still a very new thing and there’s still much to learn about their benefits. Despite this, scientists have found a number of reasons as to why probiotics deserve a place in our skincare. Here’s what we know they help with so far…


Probiotics have been fighting inflammation in the gut for some time, but studies have shown that when used in skincare they can achieve similar positive results. They have a calming effect, sending direct messages to cells and telling them to stop releasing inflammatory mediators, which in turn leaves skin calm and soothed.

Chronic Skin Conditions

Probiotics contribute to overall wellness – think of them as a skincare army. This army works to protect skin from external aggressors, which may trigger things like inflammation, acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis. Probiotics will create a protective barrier over the skin that helps keep skin balanced, which in turn helps to keep chronic skin conditions and inflammation under control.


Yes, you read correctly, not only do probiotics help with overall skin health but they can also help with ageing! Research has shown that probiotics can increase collagen and protein production, cell renewal and skin healing, which then helps to protect against free radicals and environmental ageing.

Interested in probiotic skincare?

Along with antioxidant Baïcalin and Vichy mineralizing thermal water, probiotics are hard at work in Vichy’s new skincare range, Slow Age. With 9 years of research under its belt and a promise of slowing down the signs of ageing, it’s a probiotic skincare line-up well worth scoping out. Discover more about this innovative line-up below…

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